Ways to keep your house cleaner for longer

Ways to keep your house cleaner for longer

Hardly cleaned, and the dust flies again, and everything is messy? Then you should follow these tips to keep your home clean for a long time.

Everything is glistening clean, but then just two days later, it looks like a sparrow nest under the couch at home yet again. Housekeeping does not last very long, especially with children. With these tips, you can keep your home clean for a long time.

1. The dust mop.

Of course, it doesn’t replace vacuuming. But it really helps in keeping the floor cleaner for longer. Especially if you have a pet that regularly feels the entire fur on the floor, or if you have an oven that is regularly on in the cold season, you would theoretically have to vacuum several times a day so that the ashes, dust, the animal hair and whatever else you carry into the apartment from outside does not get stuck under your feet.

Each time you take the vacuum cleaner out, unwind the cable, and vacuum room by room, it eats up a lot of time. You simply can’t vacuum the house in less than half an hour.

With the dust mop, you can manage to run through the house in a maximum of 5-10 minutes and free the floor from dust, fur, etc. Then you can brush it off briefly and have a small pile that you can quickly vacuum away with a small hand-held vacuum cleaner.

Of course, there is such a dust mop in almost every supermarket, but you can also easily make it yourself by cutting up a discarded towel and stretching it on the mop. The towel has a new function, and it is also nice that you can wash it and use it again. 

However, if you cut a towel, you should sew around the cut edge once or glue a kind of hem with fabric glue. Otherwise, it will ripple up very quickly in the washing machine. It is also logical to wash the towel in a laundry bag.

2. The work surface.

The work surface in the kitchen is used several times a day. Everything then accumulates there. Crumbs from breakfast, stains from the yogurt you spilled, water stains, etc.

A clean work surface is a basis for a kitchen always to look nice and clean. That’s why you wipe the area with a damp cloth at least once in the morning and the evening. The best part is that you should first tidy up the work surface before you can wipe it completely. It means that you must put the unused and dirty dishes in the dishwasher and put away everything else that does not actually belong on the work surface.

So you slay two birds with one stone. And we assure you that this task will take a maximum of 2-3 minutes if you do this regularly.

3. Sinks and faucets.

Sinks and fittings quickly look dirty. It is due to the water stains. Especially with chrome-plated fittings, which otherwise shine so beautifully, water stains dull the surface. If you also have very hard water, these stains look really bad even faster.

The solution to this is so simple, and your parents must have always drummed it into you back then, a drying towel that hangs near the sink. Every time you brush your teeth, you can use the towel to wipe the sink. When you start doing it, it will become an absolute routine for you.

It only takes a few seconds to wipe it, and the washbasin and fittings stay clean and stain-free for longer.

4. The toilet.

The toilet is used more often during the day, and we can say that there is hardly anything more unpleasant than an unclean toilet. That’s why you should take at least 5 minutes each evening before going to bed and wipe the toilet briefly.

Before you spray them with the bathroom cleaner, you should start by throwing in one of your homemade toilet cleaners or any regular toilet cleaner from the supermarket. They dissolve in the water, and then you can clean the toilet with the toilet brush. A quick spray and wipe with a cloth don’t take much time, and ensure you can use a clean toilet every day.

Recipe for the toilet cleaner.

  • One cup of baking soda.
  • 1/4 cup citric acid.
  • One teaspoon of dish soap.
  • Optional a few drops of essential oil.

Mix the baking soda and citric acid in a bowl. Then slowly add the detergent little by little, stirring constantly. Stir it in really slowly; otherwise, the mass will react too much and puff up. 

Finally, you can add the essential oil. But also stir in drop by drop. In the end, the soda-citric acid should have a consistency like slightly damp sand.

The cleaner can then be poured into an ice cube mold and must harden for at least 4-5 hours. If you add the dish soap too quickly, the mass will ooze out of the ice cube container. That’s not bad. Just wait about 15 minutes and then press the cleaner back into the compartments.

5. The timer method.

The timer method can be very useful. You can set yourself a timer of 30 minutes on your cell phone and do something during this time. It doesn’t matter whether it’s tidying up, dusting, making beds, or washing and folding laundry. You must try to use these 30 minutes a day to do as much as possible that you don’t have to do the weekly cleaning.

30 minutes is not a long time. It goes by in flight, and you will always be amazed at how much you can achieve in this short time.

Lastly, take the habit and teach all household members to put things in a certain place where they belong. It will save you from unnecessary searches, and the house will not look untidy and cluttered.

These tips can be super practical if you work with the clock and with the “rules” you draw up yourself. Doing everything directly, which takes no longer than 2 minutes, is a great opportunity, and these tips can help you reach there!

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