10 foolproof ways to get and keep your office clean

foolproof ways to get and keep your office clean

Vacuuming, dusting, cleaning, storing, and organizing, the hardest part is to proceed efficiently and on a regular basis!

Your office is the workspace and the place where you spend more than 75% of your working life. It is easy to say to keep the work environment clean and tidy, as it can be an office, but it would be necessary to specify the points on which to focus more: the devices and spaces that require these operations.

There are desks in all offices to be cleaned and sanitized and a series of objects and electronic devices from which it is necessary to eliminate all traces of dirt where germs, bacteria, bacilli, etc. could multiply. 

Despite the cleaners’ job, it is not polite to leave a sty to be cleaned.

To maintain proper hygiene in your office, here’s what you should clean regularly and carefully.

The computer keyboard.

You may not know that computer keyboards are a breeding ground for germs. A large amount of dirt settles between the keys that you should remove regularly. Not just dust, but you may find skin, hair, crumbs, and so on. Also, just typing on the graphing calculator creates dirt.

Germs spread from the hands to the keyboard, so you should regularly turn it over to prevent deposits that block the keys while typing.

The desks and worktops.

Dirty desks and dusty worktops are also a source of discontent. Working in a poorly maintained workplace negatively affects the performance of individual employees. Remember to keep your desk tidy so that cleaning operations are as easy as possible to encourage work and creativity.

In fact, cleaners can’t do their job properly if you drop papers, and other documents messily on your desk.

Monitors and screens.

Screens and monitors also need regular cleaning, especially since a fingerprint-filled touch display is ugly to see. Then imagine the dirt that reaches the screen from your hands, which you then bring close to your items, favoring bacterial proliferation.

The microwave in the dining area.

If your office also has a refreshment area or a small kitchen available to all colleagues, you also need to worry about cleaning the microwave oven. To foster a positive and pleasant work environment, you should be careful about cleaning dirt residues in the microwave, causing bad odors.

The same goes for the coffee machine, which should always be clean so that all colleagues can use it and treat themselves to a minute of relaxation between one task and another.

The garbage cans.

Although the bins are emptied periodically by the cleaners, if you throw some damp waste in them, this can give rise to bad smells that expand into the workspace. Working with the smell of rotten fruit under your nose is not pleasant for anyone.

Some products can create liquids that drip onto paper and other waste, creating a very unpleasant and unhealthy situation. When you produce foul-smelling waste, you should take care of it immediately to avoid bad moods and attract colleagues’ dislikes.

The benefits of a 100% cleaned office.

There are numerous benefits to having a perfectly cleaned office, starting with hygiene. And yes, if that is not necessarily your case, many eat at their desk for lunch or who nibble on a treat during the day. And then, between the traces of coffee and tea or those of shoes full of mud on a rainy day, the office is far from the cleanest place, believe us. 

Having a clean office also reflects a professional image when entertaining colleagues, clients, or suppliers. Productivity, efficiency, performance, and creativity (professional level) and satisfaction and positivity (personal side) are also many other advantages to take into account!

Tips to keep your office clean.

The office’s cleanliness is synonymous with the order while creating the perfect atmosphere for a good work environment. 

A clean and orderly office encourages the creativity of employees, fostering good ideas. Therefore, you should not neglect your workspace’s cleanliness if you want productivity to be your cover letter. Also, various studies have shown that cleaning directly affects work performance. 

So, in the following lines, we offer you tips to keep your office clean without having to spend excessive time. Do not miss details of the tips!

1. Dust from top to bottom.

There is no point in vacuuming and mopping your office if you have not dusted the surfaces (desk, radiator, computer, keyboard, lighting, telephone, blinds, etc.) upstream. To proceed in an organized manner, starting first by removing dust from the surfaces using a feather duster, a cloth, or a microfiber cloth.

2. Clean surfaces with disinfectant wipes.

After the dust removal, clean the surfaces with a wipe or other cleaner and disinfectant. Prefer ecological household products and clean your office with a sponge, for example. Desk, windows, and screens, shine your surfaces before going to the floor and cleaning your chair. 

Surface disinfectant wipes are ideal for your workspace and give you a quick fix without releasing unpleasant odors, and disinfecting your office once a day will dramatically reduce your chances of catching a cold or the flu, in addition to forcing you to maintain a well-organized and clean workspace.

3. Vacuum the floor and your chair.

Vacuuming as regularly as possible helps keep your office clean. Do this at least once a week to work in a healthy environment, and don’t forget your chair. And yes, hair, crumbs, and other dirt may have nestled in your chair during the week, so don’t forget anything!

4. Ventilate your office regularly.

Another tip, ventilate your workspace daily! It is important to smell your room’s freshness and not an old stale, or damp smell in the morning when you walk through the door. Ventilate a little in the evening before leaving, in the morning when arriving when you turn on your computer or during your lunch break, for example.

5. Create storage spaces.

One of the most obvious solutions to keeping your office clean is to make space by getting rid of all the paperwork there. What could be better than a good shelf? Otherwise, you can also buy yourself some binders for your documents.

Thus, you can find websites of artisans and professionals to design custom furniture according to your needs

To better find yourself, you can, for example, classify your documents by types (differentiate by color) or by dates. The goal is to have the least cumbersome archiving system possible.

Go from the principle that “everything that is not essential is useless.” Tell yourself that everything that is not useful to you at the moment should be put in a specific place. 

This approach will save you from cluttering your desk. It will also be a way to avoid stress in order to be more lucrative at work.

6. Put away your connection cables.

You might not realize it at first glance, but if you have too many connection cables and cords in your office, you will find that it will not be easy to have the storage you want. To avoid this, find a way to keep these wires in a specific location. There are several ways to store them. You can take inspiration from specialized sites or simply get the appropriate storage gadgets. 

7. Everything in order.

Order brings a feeling of cleanliness. If you’ve ever wondered how to keep an office clean and organized, it may have crossed your mind that order is important. Putting into practice a useful organization for the tasks you carry out in your workplace will help you make your work much more fruitful and effective. 

And it is that most of the time, the disorder is nothing more than a cluster of absentmindedness. In this case, after using something, put it back on your site. Knowing where you have everything makes you much more efficient.

8. Fixed cleaning days.

Your company is always perfect. It is interesting to establish a few days in which the cleaning tasks will be carried out. Organize a calendar based on the dirt generated in each office’s room and do not neglect any task. Remember that there are areas such as the toilets or the dining room area that are more vulnerable and get dirty earlier than other spaces.

9. Keep the soil as the first day.

Another key to keeping your office spotless is keeping the floor looking good. Thus, apart from the usual cleaning, it is recommended to polish the floor every year. This way, you can regain its natural shine, and it will appear that the surface is brand new. It will help your office floor to be perfect all year round.

10. Instruct employees on cleaning habits.

One of the essentials to keep our workplace clean is that all workers collaborate. A good way to get your employees involved is to put up posters in some places like the kitchen, toilets, or office to remind you of the importance of keeping everything neat and clean.

Outsource the cleaning service.

If you do not have time to ensure that your company is always clean, the best thing to do is hire professionals to take care of it. The advantages of outsourcing the cleaning of your office are diverse, but the clearest is that it will not take the time or it will be a great effort to have people who carry out these tasks.

As a result, with these ten tips, it is difficult that your office is not always clean and in order. The important thing is to get down to work and not let clutter take over your workspace. Go for it!

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