How often should you clean your place?

How often should you clean your place

It is a question that is not as obvious as it seems. The first thing to remember is that should you clean your place because every home is different. Your house can be very big or small; you can live with ten people or just with your partner, and it can also happen whether you have a pet. These aspects will influence how often you clean the house.

Household hygiene is extremely important if you don’t want to live surrounded by germs, especially if you have a pet or children at home. In any case, it is legal to Should you clean your place regularly, but how often? How often do you have to clean?

The reason is that it varies depending on where in the house we are speaking. Not all corners are bare in the same way to dirt and germs, so depending on what it is and how you use it, this will be the time you have to allow between cleaning.

What and when should you clean your place?

What we are sure of is that we must clean the home every day in some way. However, it is also true that several elements and areas of the house must not be cleaned daily. It is important to note those areas and things you can clean from time to time, and you will see how you will save yourself a lot of headaches.

Clean every day.

There are certain things in your home that you should clean daily. These can be the plates or cutlery, the dining room, picking up food scraps, or sweeping the kitchen, for example. These activities are mandatory so that there is minimal harmony at home, and we call them first-order tasks, which are those in which the whole family can collaborate without any problem.

Towels: every three uses.

Wash your towels after every three uses. Although it is assumed that you should you clean your place when you use the towels, that does not mean that you can use them indefinitely. They should go to the washing machine with hot water about every three uses. This happens because humidity can breed fungi and bacteria that you surely do not want to rub against your skin.

Weekly cleaning.

Bath, including toilet bowl and shower: weekly with water and bleach.

When you wonder how often you should clean your house, the first thing that comes to mind is the bathroom, especially the toilet. However, the shower may collect even more germs. So you must make a special effort to clean your entire bathroom at least once a week. Ideally, use water and bleach for their disinfectant power, although you can also combine them with bathroom cleaning products.

Microwave: weekly, ideally with water and vinegar.

You must be careful not to splash food inside while using the microwave. If you do, the ideal is to clean it well before it becomes dry and germs spread. If there is no other choice because several days have passed, mix hot water and vinegar in a spray bottle.

It is mandatory at least once a week, as is the bath. Virtually it is essential to clean the entire kitchen often thoroughly.

Workspace (desktop, keyboard, mouse): once a week.

A keyboard used daily can probably accumulate five times more bacteria than the toilet bowl, particularly if you habitually eat and drink on it or do not wash your hands when you go to the bathroom. Therefore, you should clean it frequently, as well as your desk and the rest of your working space. Ideally, do it weekly with a surface cleaner disinfectant.

Sheets and pillows: every two weeks with hot water.

Something very common in this classification is the subject of clothing. Almost everyone washes clothes twice a week, which is ideal because it does not accumulate in large quantities and favors when using the clothesline (although this will depend on the number of people you live with).

Cleaning pillows and sheets depends a lot on how you sleep. If you shower when you go to bed, you can stretch the cleaning to two weeks. If you favor showering in the morning, you must throw everything in the wash (with hot water) weekly. Even if you don’t notice it, you sweat at night, and your body releases fat through your pores. This dirt accumulates on the sheets, creating harmful fungi for your skin.

Other weekly tasks include cleaning the bathroom, scrubbing the floor with a special wax, dusting the furniture, and cleaning appliances.

What to clean once a month.

We can clean the fridge once a month since it is a very important appliance for us and it contains a large part of the food we consume. So it must stay clean. To do this, empty your refrigerator and clean it as best you can with a special sponge or cloth.

Also, as a recommendation, you could take all the clothes out of your closets and clean inside them. In this way, you can avoid the accumulation of dust. Developing a cleaning program or plan to know better how often to clean the house is advisable.

A thorough cleaning every year.

The walls of your house are extremely important. If you won’t repaint them, clean them with a sponge. Follow this tip for your home’s exterior, large rugs, or ceiling to keep it in one color. It is also necessary to clean those areas of difficult access where you cannot reach or clean easily.

Your house may seem clean, should you clean your place, and in appearance, it sure is. At first glance, you do not see dirt, but our eyes escape dead cells, sweat, hair (ours or the animals that can enter the house), and other particles with their own bacteria load. All this dirt, which we do not perceive, accumulates in our household objects and can cause bad odors and even long-term skin or breathing problems. Therefore, as you have seen, there are many ways to organize yourself to know how often should you clean your place, as a clean house is always better.

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