How to clean a new building after construction

How to clean a new building

Your new home has just been delivered to you. You are looking forward to starting the move and enjoying it, but first, you must prepare it to be able to enter life. The construction company must give you your house in a good state of cleanliness, but even so, a personalized end-of-work clean a new building is always necessary. Have you ever sought to know how to clean a new building?

There are companies specializing in this, but if you have decided to undertake this work alone, we will try to give you some tips to make this job easier.

1. Remove dust from the construction site.

Before starting, we should try to make the dust that accumulated during the work disappear. Your first impulse will be to take a broom and start sweeping everything, but this will only move the dust particles around.

Open the window of the compartment where you will start cleaning, and with the door closed, place a fan pointing outwards.

It is advisable to use a vacuum cleaner for the first cleaning, but you can also use the traditional brush method, although it will take longer and be less effective. Once you have finished, leave the fan on for at least an hour and the window open. This will get the particles that float in the air out into the street.

Repeat this process in each of the house’s rooms. Start with the innermost cabin and work your way toward the exterior rooms from the inside out. This will prevent dust from accumulating.

2. Ceilings and walls.

Once the house is clean of dust and particles, removing the dirt accumulated on ceilings and walls is next. To do so, we recommend that you follow these steps:

  • Fill a bucket with water and dip a mop until clean a new building. Before starting, check that it is in a good hurry and does not leak. It is very important. Therefore, squeeze it until you appreciate that it is completely drained.
  • When you have the mop ready and with the right humidity, place it in the upper corner of each wall and scrub it from corner to corner in the case of ceilings, corner to corner, and from top to bottom when we clean the walls. When you finish every area, you must rinse the mop and re-wet it to continue cleaning other areas until the ceilings and the walls are clean.

3. The floors after the construction.

Traces of mud, cement, and plaster are very likely to be found on the house’s floor. To remove stains that may be resistant to conventional detergents, more specific chemicals are on the market for this type of more complex dirt. Antiscale, cement removers, or descalers are usually ideal products for this job.

If the case that “complicates your life” is how to clean a new building or porcelain floors after work, there may be other doubts that usually arise. First, you must identify the type of floor and then apply the specific cleaner for stains.

In any case, the ideal solution is the classic vacuum cleaner for smooth floors and the sweeping machine for rough floors. The latter is much more efficient but also more expensive.

4. Cleaning the rest of your home.

Once you have removed the dirt from the walls and the floor, the next objective is to clean the rest of your home’s components. Although they should have been covered and insulated during the job, they likely have traces of dust and plaster from some spatter.

Ideally, to remove this dirt, fill a bucket with water and detergent and use a very damp cloth to remove the remains of dust and dirt. You must use a degreasing detergent that will guarantee proper cleaning.

When you have the cloth with water and detergent, remove the excess water, but leave it very wet so that it is less aggressive and does not cause scratches. When you see dirt on the cloth, put it back in the bucket and start over.  

In the case of stainless steel windows, use specific products, such as particular spray cleaners or a stripper stainless steel cleaner, in case of residual welding.

Another enemy when clean a new building is paint or varnish stains. We recommend patience and the use of a good universal stripper to facilitate the removal of those uncomfortable stains.

Popular and inexpensive remedies for clean a new building.

Some homemade solutions can be efficient and simple in clean a new building. They do not reach the effectiveness of professional products, but they can be a cheaper option. Let’s see the most used.

You can use acid or cement remover for lime or plaster stains on windows. We recommend a mixture of water, soap, and ammonia for aluminum window frames or kitchens. If it is one of those stubborn stains on floors and walls, carbonated drinks or even hydrogen peroxide has a very efficient effect.

For embedded stains, your ironing center’s classic “steamer” is usually very effective in clean a new building; the water vapor penetrates. In many cases, it is the ideal solution for those stubborn stains.

If it is paint or varnish, nail polishes containing acetone are very effective solutions. To do this, carefully spread this product on the stain and scrape it with a spatula until it disappears.

You have almost finished the end-of-work cleaning.

Once you have finished with dust or Clean a new building, ceilings, floors, walls, windows, and doors and have your house “apparently” clean, we suggest you go back to vacuuming as a review of the previous work. Once this procedure is over, you will have your home in perfect condition to start the move and thus enjoy a new place to live.

Clean a new building after construction can be very complex and quite expensive. We hope we have assisted with this article and made cleaning a new building a little easier.

To know more clean a new building, click here.

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