How to keep things clean in your office

How to keep things clean in your office

Cleanliness in a workplace is synonymous with order while creating the perfect atmosphere for a good work environment. 

A clean and orderly workplace encourages employee creativity, encouraging good ideas to emerge. Therefore, you should not neglect the cleanliness of your workspace if you want productivity to be your cover letter.

You are a professional at work. You are creative and innovative, but you cannot order your work table no matter how hard you try. You even try to convince yourself that your own order is in a mess. 

However, you try to put an order in your workspace from time to time because you yourself are not comfortable with your ‘neat mess.’

Some studies confirm that a dirty and disorganized workspace can lead to a disorganized mind and that clutter can cause feelings of chaos that could lead to stressful situations.

To order your workplace efficiently, and once you have it organized so that it continues to be organized without difficulty, it is best to apply the management technique based on five elementary rules.

Classify. It consists of identifying and separating everything that you do not need on a daily basis in your workspace—| Separate unnecessary elements.

Order. It consists of choosing a place for everything and keeping everything in its place.

Clean. It consists of cleaning the elements of the workplace: computer, monitor, printer, cables, folders, books, etc.

Standardize. It consists of keeping the workspace orderly always in the same way, so that anyone can find an element in addition to yourself.

Discipline. It consists of keeping the workspace in order and continuing to apply this management technique as part of our daily routine.

Tips to keep your workspace tidy.

A clean office is a fantasy of all of us. We know that one of the best sensations we can have is working in a place where we feel comfortable, and we can easily find everything we need. 

Today we’ll give you some tips for keeping things clean in your office. By following them properly, you will have an ideal workspace. You will no longer be stressed in your working hours because you cannot find what you need or do not have enough space.

Create a system to file your documents to have a clean office.

Even though we now handle almost all information online, the use of paper in offices has not disappeared. We get it that the most indispensable information is printed. For this reason, we recommend that you begin to classify your documents to speed up the cleaning of the office.

Use drawers or filing cabinets to store important papers and create a filing method for each type of document.

Some of the classification practices you can use are:

  • Categorize each file by color
  • Label each folder, drawer, or tray with the title of the document type.

We recommend that you classify them by color since once you learn the meaning of each color, it will reduce the time you spend when looking for documents.

Customize your work area moderately and practically.

Taking ownership of the workspace is a fundamental part of the creative development process because it creates a pleasant environment. However, don’t get too carried away and don’t overdo the decoration of your workplace.

Personalize your space in a minimalist way with 2 or 3 objects of your liking. If you start putting too many things, you will have many distractors, and you will not have enough space to do your work.

Also, if you have so many things on your desk, you’re going to increase the time you spend, in order to have a clean office. Imagine that every time you go to dust in the office, you will have to lift and clean each one of the things on your desk.

In your work area’s customization, you should not only look at having things to your liking. You should also think about which items you use the most and how you could organize or store them efficiently. For example, use a jar to put all your pens in instead of having them lying all over your desk or in your drawers.

To keep the office organized, use new tools.

Technology has evolved, so take advantage of new tools and decrease the use of post it. You can use programs such as the notepad on your computer or Google Keep. 

With these tools, you can create lists that remind you of your tasks, and you can even share them with your coworkers. Thanks to them, you will stop having your desk invaded by small papers with tasks to do or with reminders.

However, for those who prefer to see their pending tasks on paper and want to have a clean office, we recommend starting with agendas or a notepad. By following this advice, you will stop having small squares of paper scattered around your workspace.

Do not eat at your desk to keep it tidy and clean.

We recommend that you never eat at your desk. We know that this can be challenging to fulfill on many occasions, especially when you have a lot of work. However, this is key to having a clean office.

No matter where you work, you most likely have a different eating space than your position. Therefore, take at least 15 minutes to have lunch or eat a snack at the table established for this, in the cafeteria or dining room.

In this way, you will avoid having crumbs or food scraps that will make you have a dirty office. Remember that we often do not notice the crumbs that fall from our cookies or the small pieces of food that fall from lunch. If we eat at the desk, all this will end up on the computer, making it difficult to clean.

Have a waste bin nearby to keep your workstation clean.

To maintain a clean office, you must acquire new habits. It has happened to all of us that we ruin the general cleanliness of our work area in just a few minutes.

This unpleasant situation can happen because of the way we quickly fill our desks with unnecessary things. For example, when we are filling out a form, and we make a mistake. Instead of throwing it in the trash, we leave it on our desk until we remember that this document is no longer useful, and we have to get rid of it.

For this problem, the solution is simple. Put a trash can near your workplace. By doing this, you can dispose of the trash without any hassle and get your work done without interruption.

Check that your area is clean after your workday ends.

At the end of the day, we recommend that you check if you leave your office clean. If the answer is negative, carry out the cleaning and maintenance that your work area needs.

This daily task will only take a few minutes and allow you to have a clean office when you start the workday the next day. In this small cleaning maintenance plan, you should do simple tasks, such as picking up the garbage that you have not thrown away or cleaning the computer and the desk to avoid dust accumulation.

We spend majority of our day at the office. So it is important always to keep it clean. Proper hygiene in the office is essential for us to feel comfortable in our workplace, for productivity to be the best possible, and to maintain good health in the office.

To know more, click here.

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