How to keep your office building clean

how to keep your office building clean

Employees, business partners, customers, visitors – numerous people walk into an office building every day in and out. There is a certain amount of soiling in hallways, laminate or carpeted floors, kitchen areas, and toilet and sanitary rooms. But how do entrepreneurs or employees manage to clean their office building sustainably and keep it permanently clean? 

The following tips will help you keep the office hygienically clean.

Tip 1: create a guiding culture and awareness of office cleanliness!

A colleague constantly leaves his dirty dishes in the kitchen. Another is famous for its chaos on the desk. The next employee forgets to flush after using the toilet? If there is no awareness in a company of basic cleanliness, which everyone adheres to, chaos quickly reigns.

Sensitize every employee right from the start and make the issue of order and cleanliness in the office an integral part of the corporate culture.

If an employee violates the rules several times, companies must communicate the threatening consequences in advance.

Tip 2: Entrance and dirt control mats as magnets for coarse dirt!

With high-quality floor mats and dirt control mats in the right places, such as in front of the front door, in the foyer, etc., coarse dirt can be reliably collected from the shoes and thus does not even get on the carpets in the office.

But be careful! The floor mats only fulfill their function if they are of high quality, cleaned regularly, and freed from coarse dirt. With a large selection of entrance and dirt control mats, functionality and an attractive design are not mutually exclusive.

Tip 3: Clean used dishes and kitchen daily!

There are lots of coffee cups and dishes from the breakfast or lunch break on a normal office day. But if the staff does not wash the dirty dishes properly, they quickly become an odor nuisance and look unsavory and provide a breeding ground for mold and germs. For this reason, both the dirty dishes and the surfaces that are in regular active use in the office kitchen should be cleaned daily.

The ideal solution is to install a dishwasher in which all employees can stack their dishes themselves after use. Also, one or more responsible persons must be found who start the full machine’s washing cycle and clear the machine later.

If there are clear responsibilities here, the kitchen will stay as it should be in the long term well-groomed and inviting.

Tip 4: Empty the trash cans with perishable waste every day!

Leftover food and rubbish that stink for days in trash cans spoil any good office atmosphere. Make sure to empty the bins daily. Otherwise, there is a risk of bad air and germs and bacteria spreading rapidly in the office.

Here, too, make sure to regulate the responsibilities clearly. Otherwise, one employee will happily pass the responsibility on to the other.

Tip 5: regularly remove bugs on the floor!

In offices, in particular, there is also dust due to paper and regular movement, which, especially on laminate and PVC floors, forms “bunnies” within a very short time. It quickly looks extremely neglected. With the help of a powerful office vacuum cleaner, this can be remedied within a very short time.

Alternatively, you can also use a gadget here that removes dust at fixed times or at night.

Modern robotic vacuum cleaners are small, highly effective, and are now available at very affordable prices.

Tip 6: keep sanitary facilities in good condition!

Well-maintained sanitary facilities are basically part of the office. In order to encourage all employees to be clean, it is best to provide sufficient cleaning supplies in easily accessible places. Toilet brushes, toilet cleaners, disinfectant sprays, room sprays, damp cleaning cloths, etc., are popular, and the employees usually work themselves here to ensure an improved feel-good atmosphere.

Avoid using towels to dry your hands in the office because these mutate into true germs as soon as several people have dried their hands on them. Make targeted use of paper towels that are best placed in suitable dispensers near the sink.

Nowadays, there is an almost infinite selection to design the sanitary area of ​​offices effectively and well-kept.

Tip 7: declare war on office bugs!

Stuffy air in the office from many employees, but also from printers and toners, for example, not only takes visitors’ breath away, but it also makes employees sluggish and unproductive.

Take care of good indoor air through regular ventilation and professional maintenance of air conditioning systems and company. Rely on effective air purifiers and humidifiers that are optimally used depending on the available space. Buy the right houseplants to match.

Single leaf, Kentia palm, bow hemp, and other types of plants not only make every office look fresh and inviting but also filter pollutants and provide fresh oxygen.

Tip 8: treat glass surfaces regularly with glass cleaner!

Fingerprints and streaks on window panes and glass tables are a no-go, especially on sunny days. They quickly make any office, no matter how beautiful, look dirty, and neglected. Keep a good glass cleaner handy here.

You can remove your fingers’ traces in a few minimal steps and bring the glass look back to a high gloss.

Tip 9: clear your desk before you go home!

Encourage every employee to tidy their own desk shortly before the end of the day. It’s not about everything looking clinically tidy. Rather, it is about good sorting in folders and a selection according to priorities. Modern roll containers and filing systems can be helpful here.

A well-organized desk not only makes it easier to work the next day; it also contributes to a cleaner overall picture of the company.

Tip 10: hire a professional office cleaning service!

Employees have a legal right to a clean office and the associated regular cleaning. Employers can ask their employees to empty their waste paper baskets or clean their dishes, for example, but they cannot force them to clean floors, sanitary areas, etc.

In order to clean your office building and keep it clean, you shouldn’t go without a professional office cleaning service. The rational thing to do is to entrust an experienced caretaker service with all the tasks involved in cleaning your office building. The service scope can be very different depending on the number of employees, rooms, industry, and tasks involved.

Arrange a contract that is individually tailored to your needs. Experienced cleaning staff then ensure order and hygienic cleanliness in the office at scheduled and regular times.

These tips should make it a little easier to keep your office in a good, clean condition.

To know more, click here.

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