Why is it important to have a clean environment?

Why is it important to have a clean environment

 The Content is about why it is important to have a clean environment. The world around us and the conditions in which a person lives are changing rapidly. Over the past 100 years, the human environment has changed more than in all 40-70 thousand years of human history. Modern man is experiencing the impact of new physical and chemical factors on a clean environment that previously did not exist in nature: ionizing radiation, electromagnetic waves and fields, ultrasound, vibration, aerosols, and high noise loads. Chemists have introduced more than 500 new substances and compounds into everyday life. 

We usually rejoice at science’s new achievements and are proud of man’s victories over nature. But if we are farsighted enough in our assessments, many of these achievements can turn into disasters.

These achievements have always played a great role in Why is it important to have a clean environment?. Moreover, this intense pollution of the environment has a substantial effect on human health. Through our nourishment, the air we breathe, and the water we drink, microdoses of various dangerous substances, from arsenic to zirconium, enter our bodies imperceptibly. According to WHO experts, 23% of all human diseases are caused by environmental factors.

It is significant to study why it is important to have a clean environment. According to studies, over several millennia of human existence, the content of cadmium in the body has increased 70 times, lead 17 times, and mercury 19 times. New types of diseases and poisoning have appeared. Undoubtedly, complex environmental pollution is one of the leading factors in increasing morbidity and reducing life expectancy, so guide people, Why is it important to have a clean environment?

We should not overlook the accumulating destructive changes in our region and on the planet as a whole. Poisoning of the human environment occurs gradually, on the rise, but relatively unnoticed, and this is a special danger.

Why is it necessary to clean the environment? Is it pertinent to healthy living and important to have a clean environment?

A clean atmosphere helps the environment and all the animals and other living organisms in it as well. Here are certain enlightenments on why you should view environmental protection as self-protection and long-term investment in your future and your children’s future.

It’s about the big picture, of which you, too, have a share and which you impact, even if you are not mindful of it or may not even want to. If everybody starts with themselves and tries to make their daily life more eco-friendly, this can mean that the environment is better off in the long term than it is today.

1. Your behavior affects others: if you leave your trash behind, others are encouraged to do the same.

Here, a small piece of candy is thrown on the street, and a beverage can be left somewhere else—what difference does that make? A big one! People influence each other both positively and negatively, consciously or unconsciously.

Let’s assume no one would do that or even participate in clean-up actions. How much better and cleaner will the city centers, the adjacent recreation areas, the beaches, and the oceans look within the next few weeks, months, and years?

Small changes can make a difference and train your behavior. Try to evade unnecessary waste and throw every piece of waste paper in the trash. You can help make a change and get other people to do the same as well as tell people why it is important to have a clean environment.

2. Daily, you even breathe this air: poor air quality causes illnesses.

Toxic emissions harm the ozone layer, and everyone is aware of this by now. However, poor air quality may also cause a variety of diseases. This should be of special concern for athletes, as they require more oxygen during physical exertion.

Ailments caused by bad air include asthma, pneumonia, other lung sicknesses, and heart diseases.

With this in mind, the best protection against such diseases is standing up for a cleaner environment.

3. How do you quench your thirst? Clean drinking water has enclosed the spread of once-lethal diseases.

Filtering and chlorinating drinking water has significantly minimized the prevalence of typhoid fever worldwide and practically made the disease disappear from the earth’s surface.

However, cleaning the drinking water becomes exponentially more difficult when the source is polluted with harmful microorganisms. Therefore, everyone in the world must be interested in why it is important to have a clean environment. You should also be interested in the newspaper if it says that industrial accidents pollute seas, lakes, and rivers or that freshwater sources are contaminated by illegal waste disposal. There is a great water cycle on our planet. It ensures that it comes back to you one way or another once the dirt is in this loop and can also affect you.

4. Dirt creates stress: a dirty climate can induce psychological stress.

Your physical health isn’t the only thing you should worry about concerning pollution so it is important to have a clean environment.

Studies indicate people have lower heart and blood pressure rates when pictures of clean nature and environment are shown. However, these values ​​change negatively, increasing again when pictures of polluted urban environments are shown.

Since stress can harm your mental health, you should also have a keen interest in a clean environment for this reason. A clean environment will help you reduce stress.


Some simple and understandable reasons were given forWhy is it important to have a clean environment? to healthy living. If you help to keep your environment clean, you can do something positive on the one hand and do something good for yourself on the other. Your self-interest should be an additional motivator in the future to support environmental protection and protect yourself against environmentally-related diseases.
To read more about important to have a clean environment?, click here.

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