Why should you deep clean your office?

why you should deep clean your office

Cleanliness and hygiene in the office is a very important element for any business premises. Whether in a large company or your individual office, the cleanliness of the premises is an essential condition for the good progress of your activity.

It is a proven fact that we are more efficient when we work in a healthy and hygienic working environment. Besides, maintaining a good standard of cleanliness in the premises promotes a good impression of the company on customers and employees.

It is already an excellent decision on your part to have set up a cleaning team within your establishment to ensure the regular cleaning of the premises. But still, it is clever to schedule a deep cleaning to properly clean the places rarely touched during classic interventions in the office. 

Why is it fundamental to carry out deep cleaning in the office? How often should this be done? What are the services to be performed? This article will help you understand the importance and process of this service.

Deep office cleaning: why?

During regular cleaning operations in the office, your in-house cleaning team is responsible for simple cleaning tasks such as vacuuming carpets and washing floors, dusting furniture, and other standard services. 

Plan the intervention so that the work does not interfere for too long with activities on the site. The services are only effective for removing superficial soiling.

We tend to neglect some surfaces or even forget during cleaning and they become an ambient area for the development of germs and bacteria.

It is, in order to guarantee hygiene in the office that we precede a thorough and systematic cleaning of surfaces.

Deep cleaning the office on a regular basis is sometimes overlooked when needed.
Workers spend most of time in their offices. Workplaces and offices are shared spaces. Germs have an easy opportunity to transfer from space to space and from person to person. Therefore, the standard cleaning rotation is probably not enough to keep your office clean.

Why should you worry about the deep cleaning of your office?

Are you wondering why you should deep clean your office every once in a while? The answer is simple: offices are full of electronics, desks, shelves, cupboards, books, files, which means dust magnets!

Dust and animal hair often settles behind (or on) electronics, shelves, and surfaces like furniture and books. It can be hypothetically dangerous for people with allergies. Not to mention that all this dust attracts different insects like beetles.

Usually, deep cleaning is done once or twice a year. It’s the perfect way to keep your workplace clean. If you work from home, the ideal frequency for the deep cleaning of your office is quarterly.

Deep Office Cleaning – Top to Bottom!

Deep cleaning the office is no easy task. The cleaning work requires the mobilization of a well-structured strategy to ensure the effectiveness of the intervention. Cleaning should touch even the most inaccessible corners of the building. With this in mind, it’s smart to work from top to bottom to make sure you don’t forget anything in the process. 

Deep office cleaning should use a top-down cleaning method. Your cleaning company should recommend starting from cleaning high areas such as ceilings, lighting, ventilation ducts, etc. and ending with cleaning the floor. For example, start dusting, and vacuuming light fixtures, ceiling corners and edges, ceiling fans, and the like. 

Next, mid-level dust and wet cleaning should occupy places like walls, wall art, signs, chandeliers, etc.

Next, clean the contact points and horizontal surfaces. Always consider using disinfectants.

Subsequently, thorough cleaning of desks, tables, hard surface furniture, and the like should be done methodically. 

Making employees remove all personal belongings from desks and shelves would encourage the finest possible cleaning. Don’t forget to wash blinds and glass as part of the deep cleaning program. 

Additionally, make sure to thoroughly disinfect high-point-of-contact devices such as telephones, keyboards, mouse, printer buttons, door cuffs, phone sleeves, etc.

Ensure to clean the kitchens and bathrooms comprehensively using a top-down method. Your cleaning company should have staff trained to understand how to avoid cross-contamination and use the proper cleaning products. For your kitchen, try to use a safe food prep sanitizer on cabinet fronts, handles, microwaves, countertops, sinks, dining tables, etc.

Finally, once all the high and medium level cleaning has been completed, the work on the floor can begin. Carpets should be professionally cleaned regularly by steam extraction or other industry-approved methods. Floors should be well dusted and vacuumed and mopped. Additionally, you can also use a floor sanitizer given the environment.

How do I complete the office deep cleaning?

There are a few different ways to perform deep office cleaning.

Do the cleaning in one go.

If you have energy and the time, you can probably complete the deep cleaning in a matter of hours. If you feel like you can do it, go for it!

Do the cleaning little by little.

If you don’t feel like or don’t have enough time or the stamina to deep clean your desk in one session, then you can break the cleaning checklist into chunks. To do this, take a little time each day to complete one or two tasks on the list. 

Each task will take you between 5 and 30 minutes of your time. Of course, this will also depend on how clean your workspace is. Make sure you complete general deep cleaning tasks first before moving on to the desktop deep cleaning list.

Desktop Deep Cleaning Checklist.

Here is a detailed list of home office deep cleaning:

  • Dust all surfaces starting from heights
  • Wash curtains and blinds
  • Dust off the lampshades 
  • Vacuum dusty chairs and sofas, especially in crevices
  • Vacuum behind electronic equipment, where dust balls tend to form
  • Clean your keyboard, mouse, and other screens and tablets
  • Empty drawers and vacuum
  • Unplug the paper shredder and clean its blades
  • Shred a pre-lubricated sheet to keep your paper shredder in good condition
  • Use a wood cleaner on solid wood surfaces
  • Untangle the power cords 
  • Vacuum the floor, rugs, or rugs.

Deep Office Cleaning Checklist: Conclusion

Whether you use your desk a lot or a little, keeping it clean will benefit you in many ways. It is because it will cause you less stress and allow you to concentrate more. You no longer search for your documents everywhere because they will already be well classified. After all, who would feel comfortable working in an unsanitary space? 

How often should a thorough cleaning of the premises be carried out?

The response is as regular as your business requires! Every office is different. Relatively, cleaning needs may vary from building to building. While a major annual cleaning is more than sufficient for some establishments, others require more regular maintenance on a semi-annual, quarterly, or even monthly basis. 

In other words, the frequency of cleaning the premises depends on several factors, including the size of the establishment, the type of activity, the number of people who frequent the premises, and even the season. 

In particular, a medical office requires more regular cleaning and disinfection interventions than a conventional office. Also, in-depth disinfection should be more frequent during cold seasons to minimize the risk of spreading infections such as the cold or flu.

Here are a few factors that can play a significant role in the frequency of deep cleaning of an office building, office suite, or even a small office:

  • Type of business: Are you a small business office with little or no visitor traffic? On the other hand, are you a big medical office with a high turnover of sick patients in and out? Again, the latter would require a greater amount of deep cleanings.
  • Foot traffic: How many staff members you have in the office? How many regular visitors do you have? More employees and more visitors can guarantee more regular deep cleanings.

Keeping the workplace clean and tidy is of fundamental importance for the well-being of those who experience it every day. As employees and collaborators if your company has any; because it is the first way you have at your disposal to convey a certain goddess of professionalism, reliability, attention but also, going to decidedly more practical aspects, because it is a good starting point for safeguarding the environments and not having to turn to companies too often and maintenance workers. 

In short, good hygiene is the first step to make it truly livable – and longer – the workplace and, why not, make sure that those who frequent it find it really pleasant and are satisfied with it.

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